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I would like to enroll in your class but the class is full. Can you please add me? Is there a waiting list? What do I do?

I would like to enroll in your class but the class is full. Can you please add me? Is there a waiting list? What do I do?


If there is a full class, you can get on the waiting list if you do not have any holds and if you are fully paid. If your status changes you may lose your spot in line so it is important to watch this carefully. You can do this in your cart in student center. One great way to follow up on this is to have this conversation in person by going to class on the first day and introducing yourself to the professor or instructor politely with an add form ready. You can get this form in UH018. You need to be fully prepared with a backup plan because you may or may not get into this class this term and that it is up to the professor or instructor if the class is full to exceed capacity and many will not do it to preserve the small student to faculty ratio in their classes for the benefit of the student.

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